What’s the Kryptonite that’s Draining Your Energy?

Super hero from photo pin

Today’s prompt for #NaBloPoMo is based on the initial prompt for the week: If you were a superhero, what would be your hidden superpower?

In my work as a public school educator, I often wished I was a superhero able to “leap small buildings in a single bound”. The reality of that, is that I wasn’t. However, I will say that I think I was frequently able to achieve success with the support of my superhero staff and parent community. Not to mention the tremendous daily energy boost that I received from my students!

In the past in my daily work as a principal, I have to honestly share that there were many Kryptonite obstacles. If you’re wondering what that means, exactly, here’s a fun definition from Urban DictionaryKryptonite is a compound consisting of the element krypton, according to chemical-forming “-ite” nomenclature of chemistry.  However, krypton is a planet where Superman Clark Kent comes from and the substance kryptonite from it due to the explosion is fatal to our Superman, i.e. the translucent green rocks you would see in the TV series and which make Clark Kent dizzy and feeble and can even kill him. Thus figuratively, it means something that makes you weak, powerless and limp, i.e. your weakness, whenever it comes to you, because it can even weaken Superman, let alone you!

In my work now, as an educational consultant, I find that my energy drainers are actually those obstacles that I create for my self. Since I work very independently (alone), it’s easy to allow the Kryptonite to take over and the “Maid of Steel” folds.

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When I’m sitting in my home office, preparing for my work day, things like self-doubt, and thoughts that say you’re not good enough, you can’t do it…sometimes start to creep. Also distractions can be come Kryptonite energy drainers for me. Instead of focusing on the planned objectives for the day, I might get steered off course by:

  • a phone call.
  • an email.
  • a tweet.

Does that happen to you? What do you do to get your “Maid (or Man) of Steel” mojo back? Think I’ll leave that open for discussion…

I’m excited to be joining the BlogHer January Blogging series, a series of blog prompts that bloggers agree to write about each day. The blogosphere is going to be active with the hashtag  #NaBloPoMo and I have made the commitment to post daily for the month of January, so wish me luck! While participating, I hope to push myself to be creative and grow in my ability to be a better blogger. It would be great for you to participate with me by commenting on my post with your own take on the topic. (Weekends are free write days!)

Thank you for stopping by!

photo credit: jdhancock via flickr

photo credit: Lisa Dabbs black & white selfie

1 Comment

  1. Paula Jo Nyman

    This was a great idea for a post Lisa. I think as we discussed before on our Goodblog project FB page, FEAR is my kryptonite! Much of what we have been talking about has been very helpful in moving past that! Thanks for sharing!


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Wife. Mom. Educator. Author. She started her career as an elementary school teacher in Southern California. In this role as teacher, she assisted with a grant project and became the Project Director of a Language and Literacy program. Read more